A catalogue of dating misadventures... as well as of those things we've all said and done to get out of the next date.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Still can't figure out if I need it or just really want it...

Dating seemed a rather simple matter when I was younger. All of my first dates (A) naturally evolved into relationships (B), which were seldom long-lived but still made it seem as though dating was fun and simple (C). It was an uncomplicated equation: A+B=C. Repeat, until C = The Right One.

At the age of 21, I still hadn’t found my “C.” Quite the opposite, I was newly single, yet again, and busily gluing the pieces of my broken hear back together. Back to the drawing board to start a new equation all over again. So, when a friend of mine wanted to play matchmaker, I went along with it. And this is how I arrived in time and place on a first date with Mr. Sexessity. He was tall, good looking, and charming. I thought, how bad could it be?

Little did I know I was about to encounter an entirely different equation…or at least one in which the variables had entirely different meanings: A = What the fuck?? And B = Yeah, if you could go ahead and NEVER CALL ME EVER AGAIN, that’d be great!

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First, he took me to a bar in North Beach. A few red flags went up right away. Let’s just say Mama didn’t raise me in a barn: I was a proper lady (at the time) and I’d previously only dated gentlemen. Mr. Sexessity was clearly NOT. I went to the restroom (NOT to powder my nose) and when I came out, he was already seated at a table, sipping a drink he’d gone ahead and ordered for himself. He didn’t pull out my chair. Or take my coat. (Mind you, I was way more sophisticated then than I am now…all that properness has disintegrated into a puddle of lowered expectations.) I was appalled but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was quick to start the conversation with a few basic questions. They seemed pretty innocent. Only, after about five minutes, I noticed a pattern: each question started with the phrase “So, I’ve asked many girls this question, and I’m wondering what your answer is…” These questions ranged from what town I was born in to what my preferred mode of transportation around Europe was (train or air?). I found myself wishing I’d taken the time to print out my resume, as that would have given me a sufficient lead-time of peace and quiet to concentrate on getting drunk. The interrogation lasted an hour. Given that this was my first date in a while, I went along with it, particularly since I was unsure about whether or not this rapid-fire question session was just the way dating was done now. I felt like I was being quizzed for potential hire as the “next girl” who he was going to date. Then, the final question came: “So, I’ve asked many girls this…Is sex a necessity or a pleasure for you? Many girls say it’s a pleasure for them, but for me, it’s a necessity.” My jaw dropped and before I had the time to formulate a response, he invited me to accompany him to the nearest sex shop.

Wait! Had I passed?? Hang on…was that a good thing or something to be feared? I wasn’t sure I wanted to be one of the lucky many who then had the pleasure of experiencing the necessity that was sex.

I got home, my mind reeling with the shock of just how much dating had changed since I’d last been on the scene. Minutes later, I received a phone call from none other than Mr. Sexessity himself asking if he could see me again. I told him I’d be busy for at least a year. That, if he still remembers my number, he should not call back then, cause chances are, I’d most likely be busy as well.

Will A+B ever = C??

- Innigma

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love it, i love it, i love it! thanks for writing - you are talented and funny!
